Social Media Policy

Guidelines for Social Networking and Electronic Communication – The Seagulls Social Networking Policy

In an increasingly “Connected” and “Social” world, The Tooradin Dalmore Football & Netball Club (The Seagulls) and all of its members must adhere to the ‘The Seagulls Social Networking Policy’ as described below.  This has been drawn up to educate and protect our players, officials, club members and supporters, as well as the wider football community from the real consequences of using public and potentially viral Social Media Platforms.

Any member or supporter of our club using Social Networking Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or others could inadvertently or deliberately make comments, accusations or upload media that could be deemed improper, intimidating, racist, sexist or degrading.  Anything of this nature is strictly prohibited by both the Tooradin Dalmore Football and Netball Clubs, and our governing body, the Victorian Country Football League (The VCFL).

Whilst the club understands that individuals have a right to freedom of speech, there is Code of Conduct and Cyber Safety policies that have been drawn up by The VCFL, and all clubs, players, coaches, club officials, club members and supporters must abide by this policy in order for the club to be granted a licence to play football. The policy requires that an individual or individuals be held to the same standards for Social Media Platforms that they would normally and reasonably be held to in other forms of public communications.

As such, if comments, accusations or media uploads are deemed improper, intimidating, racist, sexist or degrading, individuals could be held to account with disciplinary action from either the Tooradin Dalmore Football and Netball Clubs or The VCFL directly.  This could take form of fines, suspension and/or the requirement to attend an Independent VCFL Tribunal. In some cases such actions could also lead to civil court proceedings being brought by affected parties.

It is worth noting that under The VCFL’s Reports and Tribunals Regulations, any behaviour which is considered unacceptable can be bought to the Tribunal even if the behaviour did not occur on the field, as long as an incident is Australian Rules Football related.  In these cases it falls under the jurisdiction of the Independent VCFL Tribunal mentioned above.

Should you wish to interact on the Tooradin Dalmore Football and Netball Club Social Media Platforms, and you believe a potential comment, accusation or media upload could be deemed inappropriate per this policy, please seek approval prior to publishing from the Tooradin Dalmore Football Club Committee.

Under the clubs new stance in relation to this policy, the Tooradin Dalmore Football & Netball Clubs would like to make it very clear to its players, coaches, officials, club members and supporters, that you are responsible for your statements and actions, unless written approval has been granted by the club to make comment for and on behalf of the Football or Netball Clubs on a particular matter.

Any misuse of a Social Media Platform, that is deemed to be against The Seagulls Social Networking Policy will not be tolerated, and the Tooradin Dalmore Football & Netball Clubs will have no hesitation in referring the matter to the VCFL’s Independent Tribunal. The Tooradin Dalmore Football and Netball Club will cooperate with any direction then given by the Tribunal or VCFL offices with regards to the matter.

In addition, the Tooradin Dalmore Football & Netball Club would remind its players, officials, club members and supporters that Social Networking may seem to be in a private domain, however often can be seen by others and made public and sometimes viral in nature.

This is the Social Media Policy stance of the Tooradin Dalmore Football & Netball Clubs, and this policy is to be read in conjunction with the VCFL Code of Conduct and VCFL CyberSafety Policies.  If you have not read the VCFL Code of Conduct Policy, or the VCFL Cyber Safety Policy, please visit the VCFL website at, or ask a Football or Netball Committee person to obtain a copy for you.

For any issue that does not appear to be covered by this policy, please refer to the appropriate VCFL policy mentioned above, as these supplement our own where issues are not accounted for in our own Social Media Policy.