Junior Committee – Contact Us

We are pleased to welcome the new committee for 2024.

President Kane Latham juniorpresident@tooradinfc.com 0438 662 287
Vice President Shaun Tongue juniorvicepresident@tooradinfc.com 0402 477 407
Secretary Ang McLeod juniorsecretary@tooradinfc.com 0409 951 220
Treasurer Kelly Bogunovic juniortreasurer@tooradinfc.com 0408 581 242
Junior Registrar & Social Media Kelly Latham juniorregistrar@tooradinfc.com 0420 302 499
Football Operations Glenn Michie gmichie3@hotmail.com 0438 613 340
General Committee -Team Managers Coordinator Darren Lewington lockutite@outlook.com 0430 775 576
General Committee - Senior Club Liason Grant Ansalde gansalde@gmail.com
General Committee - Grants Chelsie Anderson Chelsie.mortimer@gmail.com 0413 007 745
General Committee Les Taylor lestaylor2727@gmail.com 0450 794 176